The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy


I have watched this movie back in my high school days. Actually I really didn’t understand the story. I wasn’t a fan of it. My friends and family brought my mind to curiosity at that time. What’s with the ring? That each of the character are falling from its circular gold form. Last Sunday, our pastor mentioned the Lord of the Rings, it encouraged me to watch it all over again. It turned out unexpectedly pretty exciting. I realized that the story has a deep meaning. Its not only about the thin look alike monster “My precious”  was all about or not only about the ring, it was a mix good lessons and real life stories resemblance. I just want to share with you my favorite characters in the movie that moved me into tears and affected me in some ways.

First of all,

images (2)Gandalf the Grey

This Wizard who was an old friend of Bilbo Baggins, who was also a co-founder of the precious Ring of power, is a righteous character that all he thinks about is for the betterment of the many, which is good. He looked after the four hobbits, fought for them, guided and led them throughout the journey. He was like a huge guardian to them.

images (1)Aragorn

The last heir of Gordon, who was in love with a beautiful immortal Elf, Arwen, who chose to be mortal to be with him. Nevertheless, Aragorn did not stop him to go to the quest for the sake of the destruction of the Ring of Power but it also did not stop him to love Arwen even in the distance shores.







Among the four hobbits in the movie, I find Sam really courageous and brave. Without him Mr. Frodo would not make it to the Fire of Mordon. Sam helped Mr. Frodo to continue the journey despite of their physical weakness, (lack of food and water) he motivated Mr. Frodo to finish the restless journey. Without Sam, Mr. Frodo could’ve been dead that time. But because he remained faithful to his promise, Sam was able to accomplish the mission with Mr. Frodo.





This mighty woman warrior, she reminds me of a Woman in the Bible – Rahab, she also fought for her loved ones. During the time of Eowyn, women are not allowed to fight, they have their duty at home, but for her her duty is not only bound at home, it bounds even outside the kingdom. Behind her beauty and elegance gestures lies a warrior with full of courage and bravery. She even saved the king of Rohan. She knew her identity, she knew she isn’t allowed to join the war, she knew that she is only bound inside the kingdom, but she didn’t remained that way. Why? Because she knows she can do bigger than staying inside the kingdom.

Lord of the Rings ending


The last part of the movie made me cry. It moved me in tears, not only moved by it but burst me into tears. Mr. Frodo and Gandalf have to leave because their mission has been accomplished and that is to save the Shire, the Hobbits town. It moved me in tears that throughout the “restless” journey, Sam never had single thought of leaving Mr. Frodo even it risks his life. I was in tears because even many lives were lost; in the end they were still victorious. It affected me in some ways and touched my heart. Aragorn was appointed King and I like his speech, “The victory is not only for one man, but to also to all of you….”. Many random soldiers were involved in the war, they have their own family, they chose to fight for them, to secure them, even it means of losing their own lives. There’s always pain but when we learn that even in the midst of it, as long as we do it for all good, it will always be bearable.


Like Jonathan and David in the bible, they love each other like a brother. They stood for each other. They never leave by their side. Their friendship last forever till death do they part. The characters were almost hopeless and faithless. The enemies have given them many signs of deception of Mr. Frodo’s death. But they did not give in to it, they never stopped unless they found Sam and Mr. Frodo’s body. It was love that kept them going even it seems hopeless and the one they hold on to is not by their side, they still continued. 1 Corinthians 13:13 “And now these three remains: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” The foundation of it all is LOVE.

I want to relate this to what Jesus did for us, an innocent man has to die for all of us, but it did not stop there, He gave us the great commission to every area of the world and He will be with us through the end of this age. Jesus is not the only one who shared the good news, because He is the good news Himself. Paul, Peter, John and many more has to suffer from all persecution and discriminations all over the world but with the fellowship of one faith, it never stopped them. Painful? Yes, but they know to whom they do their passion. Its all for the glory of God. If the fellowship of the Ring’s main purpose is for the destruction of the ring to Mordon. Our purpose here on earth is to not sit down but to share the salvation we have by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. That would be a “worht-it” journey. Ultimately, more than the movie’s story, Jesus is still one epic story. 

Photos: courtesy of google images

Closed doors

It_Dwells_Behind_Closed_Doors_by_Nicolas_HenriEvery day it hast been a challenge for me. Each day I have to make sure I don’t hurt anybody . All those things matters. My friend, family and special someone matters to me. Their reaction, emotions and response on my every little actions to them. I have finally realized that people reaction towards my action is now my last concern. My first concern now is God’s opinion. He really matters so big when I get to hurt Him, it is really a BIG deal for me. I can’t have a good sleep, I always contemplate on my last action if it really pleased Him or not. That’s why there is this saying “think before you do it”, I’m still on the process of resisting what my heart tells me to do so even it means of “not today” or “now or never”. God is surely has been slapping my face back and forth. He’s been waiting for me to respond in such a way that it will only please, glorify and honor Him.

Now that I’ve come to the point of closing doors, its time for me to boost my relationship with my One and Only God. I am more expectant with God for the year 2013. I am excited because I believe God will bring me to different places and opportunities that will make me happy and make our relationship grow deeper.

2012 has been really a roller coaster ride, its been a year since I admitted that its not bringing me anywhere. Its only disobedience. Its only pride. So before the year ends, I definitely wanted to become someone God wanted me to be. More of molding and shaping of my character- building of character. Fear has been holding me back. What are those fears? I fear that I will not get to see them often if I only focus on what He wants me to do. I fear that God will take my loved ones so far away from me. I fear that no one will like me if I followed Him. But I realized God gave them to me. The people I cherish so much. I believe God is teaching me to go out from my comfort zone and I believe God is also preparing my loved ones. So for now, I have decided for the coming years, it will only be about us- God and me. Closing doors for courtship. Closing doors for any emotions that will pull me away from God. 

do-not-disturbI’m sure when God finds me ready, He will automatically open my heart for that someone He’s been saving for me. I’m not in a hurry I believe God is also preparing that man and besides, I still have to enjoy my single hood. But I admit, I still need prayers. Prayers that will help me not give in to temptations. I need your faith that even in tough times I’ll be able to withstand it through Christ. Right now, what I know is I’m not going to entertain any man. He’ll know when to lay down if its the right time from God and if he is the one since I am devoting myself for God this coming year. So, I guess ‘do not disturb’ sign will do. God and I will have this moment. I believe God’s timing is perfect and it will come like I’ve never waited. I am really excited for this! 🙂


photo: courtesy of


Why did I write this? Because I was also insecure of everything but now I know who I am… and one reason too is I was inspired by a writer  😀 Hope this will help you somehow..

When you look at the other person, trying to drag them down, that is being insecure…

When you are trying to get the attention of EVERYONE, that is being insecure.

When you wear super duper mini skirts make the boys’ look at you in a lustful way, that is being insecure.

When you compare your partner/husband to some “hot”/handsome guys, then you are being insecure..

When you want others thing and wish you were in their place that is AGAIN being INSECURE

When you are trying to “humble” yourself in front of many guests, you want everyone to sympathize with you, that is being INSECURE..

When you make yourself “perfect” in make-up but not in your natural look, that is being INSECURE…

If you do not love yourself, then you will never stop feeling insecure.

If you do not know how to forgive yourself from wrong doings and pride is holding you back then you wouldn’t find security.

If you find happiness and joy through clothes, money, hollywood stars or fashion then you will always feel EMPTY because they are just temporary.. And hollywood star doesn’t even know you!

If you find security on things and people then you will always find yourself alone in your bed feeling lonely over and over again..

If you are trying to please men, well, sorry honey, you’ll never get everyone pleased…

If you do not know your identity, then you will always go back to your old self…

and when things go wrong there will come to point that you’ll blame yourself for being such a mistake on earth…


IF ONLY, you know WHO you are in the EYES of the Creator,

you will always find strength to rise up even when you stumble,

you will always find peace, even the world is dragging you down.

you will always find comfort, even you do not have someone to talk to anymore.

you will always find yourself BEAUTIFUL no matter what other people say about you…

you will always know you are VALUED because your security is not in men but in God alone…

and because you know that you are created next to the image of the Creator..

You know you’re identity.. You know where to put your security, trust, hope and faith…

and that is through CHRIST.. Who died for you and me 2000 years ago.. Rose after three days for our salvation and fulfillment of the word.. And since Jesus is holy, DEATH COULD NOT HOLD HIM DOWN… He is alive and if you are willing to welcome Him then you’ll encounter more of Him …

You are the most precious creation He has on earth more than anything… So don’t you ever dare to question who loves you or who will ever love me? Because He first loved us 🙂 


 We love each other because he loved us first. 1 John 4:19


“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” John 15:9


And remember before we were born He already knows you, He has already laid down His plans for us…

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11


“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,…” Jeremiah 1:5


I also want to share that God’s plan for us not really to abandon us, He will never leave us, it is His promise, (Hebrews 13:5)

One of my favorite reminder God has for me is this : “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2

Good! PLEASING! and PERFECT will — we may never understand how we feel for ourselves, we may never understand why we look like this, we may never comprehend these verses, but one thing I am sure of – – HIS will for us is better than our will… Ours are just a speck of dust, but His? Is as wide as the universe, as big as He is! 🙂 I cannot imagine! But that’s the truth! He loves you and me! 🙂 Ok?

I hope that you will not also trust the trending fashion, I’m not saying that wear pajamas wherever you go, that is absurd, but we should know how to dress ourselves as modest as possible 😀 Especially ladies, let’s not crave the eyes of the men looking at our legs.. Let’s make ourselves holy and pure before our future spouse and God 🙂


“Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes.You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. ” 1 Peter 3:3-4


Desire more to have a gentle and quiet spirit.. 😀

Let us put our security, trust, hope and faith in God alone and not in men 🙂

Life is not easy but it is still worth it…

You will all understand these if YOU really have relationship with Jesus 🙂

I want end this with a verse:

Psalm 139:13-18
13 For you created my inmost being;    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;  your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you    when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;all the days ordained for me were written in your book  before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!  How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,  they would outnumber the grains of sand—    when I awake, I am still with you.

I hope that this helped you somehow.. 🙂 But I also hope you found the meaning of who you really are in God 🙂

I just can’t believe I wrote this… 🙂

Hope you also understood my grammar 🙂 Thanks anyway, and feel free to share this…

photos: courtesy of google



What do I long for? Where do I really put my trust, hope and security? Where is my faith? Can faith move mountain? Am I really loved? Is there someone praying for me? When will I get what I want? What is it that I want?

These were my confusing questions battling repeatedly in my mind. These were the questions that ALMOST shook my faith. Questions that were answered already yet I ignored and bypass them.I honestly admit that I find trust, hope and security from other people. You might ask me: Where else you must put them? Let me just share a brief testimony that there is someone else you can trust other than the people you thought could stay forever.

A friend of mine kept on reminding me, “KNOW YOUR PRIORITIES”, another friend told me“SURRENDER AND FOCUS” and finally God repeatedly told me “Do not be afraid…” “Leave your country and I will bless you..” “Stop doubting and believe..” “I give you peace..” “Be still and know that I am God..” and capital letters O-B-E-Y. Of course my friends were really instruments of God, even my Dad encouraged me through God’s word and same revelations. But really God is insisting me“Let go and let Me do my job in your life my princess”.

After all the reminders and all God’s ways, the question is still there. “Where do I really put my trust, hope and security?” So I meditate on it day and night: Where? How much time do I spend in God’s word? Do I spend more time with my family? Am I really in focus? Did I really surrender it all to God? God answered it, and I felt so ashamed and sorry for myself before God (as in if you really know what it feels) that I keep on insisting what I want to happen in my life. Nakakahiya lang talaga kay God that every devotion, He keeps on reminding me what to do, until I’ve been misled with my emotions and selfish ambitions that are not from God. I’ve been carried away with all the funs and blessings He has given me that I haven’t notice my time and energy is wasted so much to the least priorities.

But you know what? God did not give up on me! He nonstop convicted me through His word and used people close to my heart to open my eyes and heart. God’s faithfulness to our forefathers remained the same, “The Lord was with me…” Always! Not only during the good times but also in bad times. Joseph the dreamer was successful because of the Lord’s presence In His life. Jacob believed that God is with him wherever he goes. Abraham obeyed and God graciously fulfilled His covenant and promise to him. From generation to generation even before Christ, God’s love and faithfulness is upon His people. And I believe in our generation, it may seem impossible but those who believe in the Lord, nothing is impossible.

Going back, God did not give up on me, He fulfilled His promises. Even I had a heart of stone or dry heart, He continued His mission to me. He used my family and friends to slap my face back and forth like “Shekyna! Wake up! FOCUS! Look at Jesus only.” God’s sweetness may be shown in different ways, He gave me friends that I can talk to, friends who envisioned and prayed for me. I believe this is it! (God really answered these prayers).

God will not allow my impurities to conquer my whole being instead God made a way that I could talk to the people I encountered misunderstandings. He gave me confidence, willingness and boldness how I felt during those times (Soul tie, like my friend shared to me once) and try to fix things by His grace. It is really God’s perfect time for us to exchange apologies and acceptance of being new creation of God. I can really see the changes, though I am not saying that I am ALL out OKAY because I am still in process of continuous change for God’s glory. I entrusted all aspect of my life one by one to God. I invest more time with my family (siblings specifically) and update my dad with all the happenings and time for my victory group. All in all what I have concluded, it’s really a matter of obedience.

As I mentioned earlier, God did not give up on me, He gave me a second chance. Now that I have done some of His request and I am still willing to give my ALL to Him, like what He promised “I leave you peace. I give you peace – Jesus”. I can now answer the question directly, “Where do you put your trust, hope and security?” – in God alone. I am saying this because again I found what I’ve been longing for, well I had it with me, I had it in me, but I haven’t notice that I am being selfish until it made my heart dry. I realized that even you have the love of Christ in you, even you live in Christ, each of us, needs to nurture it through meditating and application on God’s word. Although I admit that this wasn’t an easy one, yung ibigay mo lahat lahat, it takes a courage to give up the people you love but since kilala ko kung kanino ko pinagkakatiwala ang buhay ng mga taong mahal ko, I believe that they are in good hands of my Abba Father and these are just some of my resolved issues that were entrusted to God and I am still willing to surrender all the things I haven’t surrendered. I am willing and open to obey God more than ever. He deserves my best and I want to give it all to Him. I put my trust, hope and security to my God alone. Right now, I am claiming my total purification and refinement. How about you? Where do you put your trust, hope and security? Check your heart again.

Partners in prayer

I’ve been reading the book Partners in prayer by John Maxwell. It was not really an accident that book was put in my bed. Supposedly, my youngest brother should be reading it. Yet, I tried to scan it for few pages, tadah! Boom! I can’t stop reading it! I am just overwhelmed that book was brought inside our house! It helped my prayer life a lot! John Maxwell put this prayer of the civil war soldier and every time I read it, tears flowing right through my cheeks… I don’t know but it made me realize that what I’ve been through, it is part of God’s plan in molding my character!

I asked God for strength, that I might achieve,

I was made weak, that I might learn humbly to obey.

I asked for health, that I might do great things.

I was given infirmity, that I might do better things.

I asked for riches, that I might be happy,

I was given poverty, that I might be wise,

I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men,

I was given life, that I might enjoy all things…

I get nothing that I asked for but everything I had hoped for.

Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.

I am, among all men, most richly blessed!

disclaimer: I do not own the photo 😀

It’s not my lost

It’s not my lost if I haven’t agreed to your opinion.

It’s not my lost if I did not join you for supper.

It’s not my lost if I cannot come to dinner.

It’s not my lost if I supposedly treat you.

It’s not my lost if I should have offered my chocolate.

It’s not my lost if you are early and I am late.

It’s not my lost if you are not used to my changes,

It’s not my lost if I haven’t responding to any of your emails,

It’s not my lost if my feelings for you fail.

It’s not my lost if I don’t have any communication with you at all,

It’s not my lost if all of a sudden I would not recognize you anymore

For all the ‘YES’ when we were together, I should’ve said NO.

For all the dates, I should’ve said NO.

Yet I considered your emotions, I thought I might hurt you,

Yet a friend asked me, “Has he considered yours?”

I thank God because I thought I have lost but instead I gained a lot,

I gained tender-loving-care of my Abba Father.

But overall, I did not regret all that happened to us,

Because it was God’s plan for me to realize that there are lots of things I needed to surrender.

God’s faithfulness remains upon His sons and daughters forever and ever

disclaimer: I do not own the photo 😀

Tortured for Christ


I’ve read different kinds of books, I’ve met different people with various beliefs, and I’ve been to many places of imaginations yet this book broke my heart into pieces and lift my feet into dancing as well. Mixed emotions indeed from this book. I can’t bear some of the stories yet their love and passion for Christ ignited and flamed. I haven’t heard this book until one friend shared it. Then I got interested and borrowed it.

When I read it and I didn’t expect ill come throughout the next chapters. I get excited and thrilled about what’s going to happen and what happened to the Christians and torturers. I just can’t believe all the perseverance the forbearance of all the pain and sufferings throughout their lives. Richard W. the author of this book was imprisoned for about 14 years, half of those years were totally miraculous. Eight years inside the darkest chamber of the jail  and was taken from his wife and son, a Christian doctor wearing a torturer clothes saw Richard, and told everybody that he was still alive, and became a reason of his release. It was a  WOW! Eight years of starvation, tortured, and stayed in unsanitized comfort room (worst! No comfort room)! I just can’t imagine myself living in that kind of lifestyle. Personally, 1 or 2 days away from my siblings makes me go nuts! How much more eight years? Maybe he was able to adapt it already but his mind was still wandering and thinking of the people he loves.

I saw Richards’s faith, trust, hope and security in God. In the long run, he had hope even inside the darkest chamber, he had faith in God even his hands are painfully handcuffed by rusty irons, he had trust and security in God even he was far away from his family, even he had no food to eat, even he was surrounded with rodents and cockroaches. He had that life dedicated to God, ready to take the risk just to win souls for Christ.

While reading throughout the chapters, torture was there, physically in pain and mentally brainwashed. I thought to myself, I was brutally abused through words, murdered through mind and cursed verbally. It gave me wounds in my heart. How much more physically? How much more taking away your faith? How much more forcing you to say no to Christ? Richard knew his purpose that is why there were fewer worries. That is why he can still rejoice even in the midst of his excruciating pain in his heart and mind. Richard knew that through his weakness, God’s grace is sufficient.

God is alive! He exist! Do I need to say more? My life is a living testimony. My near death bed experience was a miracle in my life. When I had a dengue, with decreasing platelet, transferred in intensive care unit was a tremendous enough reminder for me that He did not abandon me. My scar on my left lower ear was also a significant reminder that God did not allow me to lose my hearing. The moment I was squeezed between the door of the MRT was also a memorable experience (HAHA! I felt like a superwoman that time!) Today is a miracle for me! Typing this as if I don’t care if my grammar is correct or not (HAHA!). Every brand new day is a gift for me. Because another day awaits to celebrate His goodness, another 24hours to witness His mercy and faithfulness and another day to worship Him in everything I do.

This book has motivated me to rejoice even in the midst of nothing and trials. I was rebuked many times. How I usually complain under the heat of the sun, how I get irritated in a small crowded place, how I usually go crazy whenever I see cockroaches and rodents or whine how excruciating the pain was when hammered. Such a blessing in disguise indeed! All in all I still consider myself blessed! I am in an open country where I have the freedom to go to church every Sunday, no one is going to stop me or going to snatch me for being firm in my faith.

I’m about to end this, but I just want to share one of my favorite passage in this book. It shows the contentment and it tells that to worship God chooses no place. God is everywhere and we can praise and worship Him everywhere. I am a fanatic of nature, especially the night skies, I totally admire moon and stars.

“We of Underground Church have no cathedrals. But is any cathedral more beautiful than the sky of heaven to which we looked when we gathered secretly in forests? The chirping of birds took the place of organ. The gragrance of the flowers was our incense. And the shabby suit of martyr recently freed from prison was much more impressive than priestly robes. We had the moon and stars as candles. The angels were our acolytes who lit them.”

I am still in awe of how God put that satisfaction with these people. They were truly embraced in the arms of the Heavenly Bridegroom.

photo: courtesy of google images 😀

Not on anybody or anything

Most of the people nowadays are alive when they talk about LOVE! Yes, LOVE! Even me, personally and honestly, I wiggle whenever I hear a LOVE story…But just a thought and should be an application in our daily living. 🙂
You don’t need a guy just to get closer to God. You need YOURSELF to realize that with or without SOMEBODY, YOUR HEART and YOUR WHOLE BEING should be FOR God alone. And not on somebody or anybody. You need to see yourself in your life that kind of relationship you’ve been longing, that ETERNAL Relationship that no one can equal to. He’s been knocking on your door, yet you are not willing to open. How can you have that relationship if you don’t want to welcome the Loving Father of all time?!
We are unique in all our ways whether we like it or not. May kanya kanya tayong kagandahan at kasamaan! Emphasize on KASAMAAN(bad side) since we are still HUMAN yet we should not allow it to dominant our lives. Since we have said the words ” Jesus is my Lord and Savior” let’s not take it so lightly. Don’t take it like a whisper in the wind that fades. Be a steward of His creation. Be a good example Titus 2:7. Life is too short, in fact,  where were you for the last couple of years? where were you 20years ago? Where were you if you didn’t allow Him to enter your life!?! You wouldn’t be there if He is not present in your life.
All the insecurities, doubts, jealousy, pride, hatred, arrogance, immorality, and all the WHAT IF’s are all tactics of the opponent. Because he already knows that he is defeated, he gets insecure and tries to destroy the image and reputation of our minds. It all starts on one look then there’s second then there’s a verbal “Ang cute niya… sana…” blah blah blah… 😀 We allow the defeated to cripple those kinds of thoughts in our minds and becomes a stronghold. Yet in Romans8:31-34 it is said we are more than conquerors and who can be against us?! HOLD on to it! Have firm foundation! do not allow this things to mingle in our minds. SAY NO immediately!Titus 2:12
Remember that we should get all the security and affirmation from the Best Lover of all time 🙂 JESUS!
We should not be afraid of our past, present and future because you believe in yourself that YOUR life is in GOOD HANDS of the Almighty God. Jer.29:11 and Heb.13:5
He should be the water of the thirsty souls like us.
He should be the sun of the dried plants like us.
He should be the oxygen, whenever you are having difficulty of breathing, you will always remember you need Him to ease the pain.
He should be the wheels of your car, a reminder that He is in control of your life.
He should be the electricty, a reminder that God brings life in our boring life.
He should be the BULLS EYE (main goal) in your life, a reminder that HE should be the aim for the rest of your life.
He should be the note or chord of your song, a reminder even out of tune He will always be in tune for us.
He should be the bandage of our wounds, a reminder that He covers up all our problems.
He should be our EVERYTHING, because He gave His everything to us for our salvation 🙂 
Our 24/7 should be His’ and not ours.. Our time, our availability really matters to God. If we can manage to invest our time on anything or with somebody, we should also invest most of the time to the Most High.
Neither on anybody nor anything but with God alone will I get my affirmation, security and assurance of a perfect relationship! 🙂
I can say that I am secured and not in rush. 🙂
Seek Him first Matt. 6:33
He is my Vine and I am His branch
😀 senxa na sa wrong grammars 🙂 hihi
Posted by at 9:56 AM