Merry CHRISTmas everyone!!!


Don’t forget the main reason why there’s this such beautiful season- JESUS. Thank God for everything. Even it seems so painful, God has reasons for it. Remember that you are loved by the King of kings, the OWNER of everything. Enjoy the time you spend with your family, with food or no food, your AVAILABILITY is even appreciated. 

Finally, a new heart to the One

Calendar_0Its been a year since my disobedience kept roaring inside my head. Now that I finally get tired of doing it all over again knowing that on the first place it only gave me so much pain and aches. I finally said, “I give up! I surrender!” (Hands off!). Doing it all in my hands is not really a good character of being a woman. Then I guess it was last week of November when I realized it has to stop or I have to stop. I admitted that there is something wrong with me that the situation has been a cycle. But thank God for faithful friends who never stopped knocking at my door telling me that it was never God’s will on the first place. So I had to stop and I must obey God. It’s not a must but I am sure God’s will for me is still the best even at first it hurts.

heart_of_sand-18245b15dI can finally say that I have a new heart, everything changed! I can finally say that even without an engagement ring or a future partner, I am happy! You know why? God’s love is more than enough! The satisfaction and unconditional love that I could never ask for more is already with me, in me and for me. How could I ask God to give me more than the love He has for me when it was already endless or unending? I have desires, yes, God knows all of them but for the record now that I have settled myself down, I have set them aside. It is already my last resort. 

I know God only can start that fire again when He already set me on that season. The love of being a single person is really an advantage of knowing God more without any distraction. There are some distractions, temptations and past flashbacks, yes, but as long as I fix my eyes to the One who loved me even before I was conceive nothing nor no one could ever separate us. Even though I am surrounded with my friends who are in love with their finance’s or they have already set it. I know that one of this days God will just continue to give me that heart to someone who would confidently say to me, “you are worth the wait, my queen.” Maybe its not this time, nor my time, of course it will always be on His perfect time for both of us.

I realized that as a single person, there’s a lot of things to do in this season. Grab all the opportunity while I still have it, they say. I want to go to a place where I can really appreciate God’s creation and get merry with people I love. Spend more time with my family. Travel around the world and many more. Well, those are some of my dreams, but nothing is impossible, I still got many years to do that, I still got many months to save and I have the Jehovah-Jireh, my Provider. 

I believe God is still preparing me for something. God is molding me to someone He wanted me to become. Eventually, I’ll become what He wanted me knowing that He alone knows what’s best for me 😀 The unconditional love He has for me never stopped and with that I am grateful that even in this season, a time of being single and happy, I know that with Him I could never ask for more. The love, security, trust, hope and faith rest in Him alone – My life rest in Him alone.

Finally, a new heart to the One.

The One has captured my heart again and again. He never stops indeed to the people He loves 🙂


Why did I write this? Because I was also insecure of everything but now I know who I am… and one reason too is I was inspired by a writer  😀 Hope this will help you somehow..

When you look at the other person, trying to drag them down, that is being insecure…

When you are trying to get the attention of EVERYONE, that is being insecure.

When you wear super duper mini skirts make the boys’ look at you in a lustful way, that is being insecure.

When you compare your partner/husband to some “hot”/handsome guys, then you are being insecure..

When you want others thing and wish you were in their place that is AGAIN being INSECURE

When you are trying to “humble” yourself in front of many guests, you want everyone to sympathize with you, that is being INSECURE..

When you make yourself “perfect” in make-up but not in your natural look, that is being INSECURE…

If you do not love yourself, then you will never stop feeling insecure.

If you do not know how to forgive yourself from wrong doings and pride is holding you back then you wouldn’t find security.

If you find happiness and joy through clothes, money, hollywood stars or fashion then you will always feel EMPTY because they are just temporary.. And hollywood star doesn’t even know you!

If you find security on things and people then you will always find yourself alone in your bed feeling lonely over and over again..

If you are trying to please men, well, sorry honey, you’ll never get everyone pleased…

If you do not know your identity, then you will always go back to your old self…

and when things go wrong there will come to point that you’ll blame yourself for being such a mistake on earth…


IF ONLY, you know WHO you are in the EYES of the Creator,

you will always find strength to rise up even when you stumble,

you will always find peace, even the world is dragging you down.

you will always find comfort, even you do not have someone to talk to anymore.

you will always find yourself BEAUTIFUL no matter what other people say about you…

you will always know you are VALUED because your security is not in men but in God alone…

and because you know that you are created next to the image of the Creator..

You know you’re identity.. You know where to put your security, trust, hope and faith…

and that is through CHRIST.. Who died for you and me 2000 years ago.. Rose after three days for our salvation and fulfillment of the word.. And since Jesus is holy, DEATH COULD NOT HOLD HIM DOWN… He is alive and if you are willing to welcome Him then you’ll encounter more of Him …

You are the most precious creation He has on earth more than anything… So don’t you ever dare to question who loves you or who will ever love me? Because He first loved us 🙂 


 We love each other because he loved us first. 1 John 4:19


“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” John 15:9


And remember before we were born He already knows you, He has already laid down His plans for us…

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11


“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,…” Jeremiah 1:5


I also want to share that God’s plan for us not really to abandon us, He will never leave us, it is His promise, (Hebrews 13:5)

One of my favorite reminder God has for me is this : “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2

Good! PLEASING! and PERFECT will — we may never understand how we feel for ourselves, we may never understand why we look like this, we may never comprehend these verses, but one thing I am sure of – – HIS will for us is better than our will… Ours are just a speck of dust, but His? Is as wide as the universe, as big as He is! 🙂 I cannot imagine! But that’s the truth! He loves you and me! 🙂 Ok?

I hope that you will not also trust the trending fashion, I’m not saying that wear pajamas wherever you go, that is absurd, but we should know how to dress ourselves as modest as possible 😀 Especially ladies, let’s not crave the eyes of the men looking at our legs.. Let’s make ourselves holy and pure before our future spouse and God 🙂


“Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes.You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. ” 1 Peter 3:3-4


Desire more to have a gentle and quiet spirit.. 😀

Let us put our security, trust, hope and faith in God alone and not in men 🙂

Life is not easy but it is still worth it…

You will all understand these if YOU really have relationship with Jesus 🙂

I want end this with a verse:

Psalm 139:13-18
13 For you created my inmost being;    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;  your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you    when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;all the days ordained for me were written in your book  before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!  How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,  they would outnumber the grains of sand—    when I awake, I am still with you.

I hope that this helped you somehow.. 🙂 But I also hope you found the meaning of who you really are in God 🙂

I just can’t believe I wrote this… 🙂

Hope you also understood my grammar 🙂 Thanks anyway, and feel free to share this…

photos: courtesy of google



And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years,and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was soGod made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth,to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:14-18
Once a girl who was patiently waiting for a shooting star to come as she gazes upon the night sky. It was night after night, the girl would always look outside the window before she go to sleep, hoping that she could have the chance to see before she close her eyes.
As years goes by, when she reached almost 6-8 years old, while talking on the phone with a friend, as the sun descent below the horizon, she noticed a quick spreading-flame like from the sky. She gasped and hurriedly said her wishes and prayers silently. She was in unexpected reverence and totally forgot she was on the phone. It was a complete relief, finally, she saw what she’s been waiting for. The girl’s dream came true.
As she grows up, the flashbacks of that memory is slowly fading. She can’t remember the exact day but she can vaguely tell what exactly she saw back then. When she becomes teenager, her admiration to the night sky did not stop. The more she stares at the stars and moon, the more satisfaction she gets. Even without a shooting star will make her happy as long as she sees the stars and moon.
Despite of all the busyness, she didn’t stop doing what she likes to do. She continuously observed the position, shape and arrangements of the moon and stars respectively. She even called one of the brightest stars in the sky as her star, because she thought that maybe that is for her, winking and staring, as it twinkles at her. In her college years, as she walks towards their house, she would always look up first and with a pause, creating smile on her face and sigh quickly with these words, “WOW, thank You God!”.
Throughout her life, it’s one of her most favourite time contemplating the day. She liked to witness the incredible settings of the stars, planets and moon. It helped her persistently walk hand in hand with God. Although the sad reality says, that stars and moon is not every night visible, the inconceivable part here is, that even it doesn’t show up especially winter or rainy season, the evident of the light coming from the radiant beams of the moon enlightens a heart knowing that even in a dark place, there is a less light to guide us on our journey. Lesser light it may be, but it gives guidance from the Lord.
This girl never loses hope on what she believes in. She incessantly adore God’s extraordinary creativeness on Earth. The girl even appreciated the “lesser” light in darkness knowing He made it possible for her to survive the day.
As long as I live, stars and moon will always be one of the best remedies for my stressful days. I will always be grateful for God’s hands in His creation as His light radiantly serve as a tool and a remedy to a crushed spirit. As long as there are stars and moon or even little light in the sky it will always remind me of God’s faithfulness throughout the days of my life.
 phtos: courtesy of google images

Partners in prayer

I’ve been reading the book Partners in prayer by John Maxwell. It was not really an accident that book was put in my bed. Supposedly, my youngest brother should be reading it. Yet, I tried to scan it for few pages, tadah! Boom! I can’t stop reading it! I am just overwhelmed that book was brought inside our house! It helped my prayer life a lot! John Maxwell put this prayer of the civil war soldier and every time I read it, tears flowing right through my cheeks… I don’t know but it made me realize that what I’ve been through, it is part of God’s plan in molding my character!

I asked God for strength, that I might achieve,

I was made weak, that I might learn humbly to obey.

I asked for health, that I might do great things.

I was given infirmity, that I might do better things.

I asked for riches, that I might be happy,

I was given poverty, that I might be wise,

I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men,

I was given life, that I might enjoy all things…

I get nothing that I asked for but everything I had hoped for.

Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.

I am, among all men, most richly blessed!

disclaimer: I do not own the photo 😀

It’s not my lost

It’s not my lost if I haven’t agreed to your opinion.

It’s not my lost if I did not join you for supper.

It’s not my lost if I cannot come to dinner.

It’s not my lost if I supposedly treat you.

It’s not my lost if I should have offered my chocolate.

It’s not my lost if you are early and I am late.

It’s not my lost if you are not used to my changes,

It’s not my lost if I haven’t responding to any of your emails,

It’s not my lost if my feelings for you fail.

It’s not my lost if I don’t have any communication with you at all,

It’s not my lost if all of a sudden I would not recognize you anymore

For all the ‘YES’ when we were together, I should’ve said NO.

For all the dates, I should’ve said NO.

Yet I considered your emotions, I thought I might hurt you,

Yet a friend asked me, “Has he considered yours?”

I thank God because I thought I have lost but instead I gained a lot,

I gained tender-loving-care of my Abba Father.

But overall, I did not regret all that happened to us,

Because it was God’s plan for me to realize that there are lots of things I needed to surrender.

God’s faithfulness remains upon His sons and daughters forever and ever

disclaimer: I do not own the photo 😀